Dribbling Isn’t Enough – Great Tips To Improve Basketball Skills – bestsportshealth
Basketball Program

Dribbling Isn’t Enough – Great Tips To Improve Basketball Skills

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The sport of basketball offers a terrific way to stay physically fit and also serves as one of the most popular spectator sports around. But, to really gain the sort of benefits from basketball that you desire, a big of education is in order. Keep reading to gain some wonderful basketball tips and pointers.

To be a great basketball player you need to work on your balance. Many the professional player can be seen slipping out of bounds or making baskets from far away, but these are not proper techniques. These shots are improvisational and usually desperate attempts. Good balance while shooting will lead to landing more baskets.

When dribbling, try to keep the ball low to the ground. This makes it more difficult for opponents to steal the ball away from you while dribbling. Keep the ball low and pass it from hand to hand while weaving in and out through your opponents. This will help you maintain control of the ball.

If your child has a hard time learning to dribble a basketball with their fingertips, you can try using naugahyde gloves. They will help them learn proper dribbling since it forces them to use their fingers instead of their palms. Eventually, they will learn to just use their wrists and fingers. You can find these gloves in sporting goods stores or online.

Try yoga to improve your basketball game. You might not want to tell your teammates about it, since some of them are going to likely laugh. However, the increased flexibility and agility you get helps prevent injuries or at least leaves able to get back up quicker when you get knocked down. Don’t laugh; Kareem Abdul-Jabaar used it to extend his NBA career.

When you play basketball, be sure that you remain properly hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after playing. Becoming dehydrated can negatively affect your game and your health. It is possible to lose up to 2% of your body weight through dehydration. That can also cause between a 10% and 20% decrease in your athletic performance.

Spread your fingers out to handle the ball properly. That makes sure that you don’t lose the ball when you hold it. Avoid putting your palm on the ball, too. When passing and shooting the ball toward its target, the sole contact point should be fingers.

Never throw the basketball at another player. Even if you are angry or aggravated, it’s never smart to take your anger out with the ball. Not only will you draw a foul, you can also do some serious damage to the person you are throwing at. Take a breathe before you do anything stupid.

To be a great basketball player, you have to make the ball part of your body. It may seem silly but roll it in your hands, dribble in the driveway, go for walks with it and take it with you wherever you go. The more time that ball spends attached to your body, the harder it will be for defenders to take it from you on the court.

Practice drills where you strive to make it across the full court within 5 dribbles. This may seem to be too difficult at first, but once you’re able to do it you’ll have a lot of speed and stride length. In games, this drill will become useful when you have fast break opportunities.

To win the game you need to take good shots. Good shots are when you have an open arc to the goal with a high-percentage of scoring. No other players on your team should have a better shot than the one you are taking. Otherwise, it’s not a good shot.

When it comes to basketball, most players want to spend as much time on the court as possible. One thing that will increase your playing time is to ask your coach what you can do to help your team succeed. This shows the coach that you value the team’s success over your own personal success. When the season comes to an end, be sure to ask your coach which skills you should work on in the off-season to be a greater asset to the team.

If you are weaker with one hand when it comes to dribbling, only dribble with that hand. In fact, take a ball with you wherever you go and practice while you are out and about. You will find your skills improve the more that you are able to practice with your bad hand.

Improve your shooting skills by taking hundreds of different shots from all angles and distances. An even better way to improve your accuracy is to practice shooting after pulling up from a dribble. Focus on the target when airborne, but never before. This can help to improve your accuracy by simulating actual game conditions.

If you want to be a better jump shooter, learning the proper way to jump is one way to improve. It is extremely important your jump does not drift from side to side. If you begin to drift your shooting arm will lose aim at the basket. Jumping straight up and coming straight down will increase your accuracy and consistency.

An appreciation of basketball can lead you toward heightened physical fitness or just a fun way to spend time with friends and family. Learning all you can about basketball can open the door to an entirely new lifestyle. Keep the above information and advice close at hand and start taking full advantage of everything basketball can offer.

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