Basketball is a beloved sport worldwide. You can remain a happy amateur or maybe even set your sights toward going pro. This article can help you gain the skills you need to excel at the game you love. Make your passes quick and precise. This takes practice, but you can improve your passing skills over time. Find someone else who wants to improve their passing and run drills with them. Running up and down the court passing and dribbling will eventually become second nature and help you with your game. Practice passing drills as a team. Basketball is a team sport first and foremost. You’ve got five people on the court with the same common goal. Teams that are great at passing can really break up a defense making it much easier to get into good scoring positions. You’ll definitely win much more than you lose when you work as a team. When you are dribbling the ball, be sure that you are doing so with your head up. If you have your eyes on the ball instead while you are dribbling it, you cannot keep an eye on those defending you. This could lead to them stealing the ball away from you. Free throws require both mental and physical abilities. Without a strong mindset, your body simply goes through the motions to take the shot. Stay focused and vigilant to improve your ability to make free throws. To become a good rebounder, learn how to box out your opponent properly. The idea is that when a shot is taken, you turn towards the basket and block your opponent from getting a good position to rebound. The best rebounders have mastered this skill and own the space right near the basket. If you want to improve your jump shot, try shooting free throws blindfolded or with your eyes closed. Your free throw percentage ought to be pretty good before you try this. However, once it is, you can use this technique to really get down a fluid and instinctive shooting motion with your arms and body. Just make sure to do this alone in a gym, as to not errantly hurt anyone or break a window. Watch your shoulders if you obtain a shooting slump. If your shoulders aren’t properly positioned, your shot is not going to go in. You’ll want to ensure that your shoulders are squared up towards the hoops. Then, make sure that your shooting side is lined up directly to the rim. To be a great basketball player, you have to make the ball part of your body. It may seem silly but roll it in your hands, dribble in the driveway, go for walks with it and take it with you wherever you go. The more time that ball spends attached to your body, the harder it will be for defenders to take it from you on the court. Knowing how to handle the basketball is an important step in becoming a good player. Work hard to perfect your dribble with your weaker hand. The ability to dribble the ball well with both hands will keep opponents guessing. When you are able to take off dribbling to the right or the left, opponents will have a hard time predicting where you will go. To better your vertical jumping in basketball, try doing some deep knee bend jump exercises. Begin by standing straight. Quickly crouch down as low as possible with your bottom nearly touching the ground, then jump upwards as high as possible. The minute you land, crouch immediately and jump back up again. Try doing this about 15 times, and when you’re able to, try increasing it to 20, 30, and so on. Don’t do these exercises more than four or fives times every week. Take a charge if you can. A charge leads to a turnover by the opposing team and gives you the ball back. That can be psychologically disturbing, and is a power play. Have you ever ran out of gas on the court? No matter if you play for a team or as a hobby with friends, you want to be able to last. It takes more than just playing the game during practice to help build your stamina. Taking up some long-distance running and practicing different sprint drills can help. If you are weaker with one hand when it comes to dribbling, only dribble with that hand. In fact, take a ball with you wherever you go and practice while you are out and about. You will find your skills improve the more that you are able to practice with your bad hand. Aim your overhead pass to be caught at chin level or higher. An overhead pass gives you the ability to get the greatest length from your pass. It is a good option for a turnover breakaway. You can also use the overhead pass to get the ball to a player who has a strong inside position. You need to focus on the person you are defending and the ball both at the same time. If you focus on just one or the other, you are going to end up either guarding a player who is out of the play or not guarding your player because you are focused on the ball. Now you should know how to get into basketball even more. It is not a complicated game and a great form of exercise. When you begin to play with your new knowledge, you will start to master the game. It’s time to shoot some hoops!